
Self-introduction by Uki

Hi, I am Uki learning environmental governance at United Nations University. I will attend COP19 held in Warsaw this year. My interest is how the states and other stakeholders, especially scientific communities, communicate to each other to form the agreement in the negotiation. I hope we can stimulate your interests while telling you what is going on in the climate negotiations from Warsaw.



Self-introduction by Kaori

Hello, everyone. I'm Kaori Shiohara (塩原香織). I'm a first year undergraduate student at the Department of Law, Soka University (located in Tokyo, Japan) and a member of Global Citizenship Program in my university.
I really appreciate the opportunity I have to join the COP19 project.

Let's together expand the network of people who have passion for taking actions to solve environmental issues!

If you have something that you want to know about COP or our ongoing projects, please feel free to leave a comment^^


Self-introduction by Monika

Hi everyone!

My name is Monika Aleksandra Ostrowska, but I prefer to be called just Monika. I come from Poland and have been living in Japan for over 8 years. Everyone in Japan always asks me why have I chosen to come to their country. The answer is really simple: I wanted to experience Japanese culture and learn the language, and when an opportunity to do so appeared, it seemed like a great adventure to do it. I am a PhD student now, studying about climate change, media and about how and why politicians pay attention to environmental issues. In my free time I like reading fantasy and science fiction novels, being outdoors, drawing, gardening and talking to people. It is a very interesting project Climate Youth Japan is doing, and I am very grateful to be a part of it.  I hope that our messages from COP19 will be valueable for people that read this blog. 

Self-introduction by Taku

Takumi Yano – Member of COP19 Project

Hello, this is Takumi Yano (Taku) from Japan! I’m one of the members of CYJ and going to Warsaw to see COP19. I’m happy to be involved in CYJ’s projects and excited to conduct them! Of course I’m looking forward to seeing you there as well J. For your information, my major is architecture and environmental design, so let’s talk about the connection between the architecture and environment if you are interested in..! Thank you!

Self-introduction by Arisa


I'm Arisa Kenmochi, 21 old.

I am majoring in environmental geography at Senshu University. Theme of my thesis is about the growth factor of lichen.It has just started to study yet….

Fortunately, I was elected by the COP19 dispatch members.There are seven companions to go along COP19.I want a successful various actions with them.

I think because there is interested in the influence of AOSIS I want to research whether there is any impact to see the conference actually.Through the discussion and the relationship through the World Youth action, I want to find a new cut in my thoughts.

Thank you very much.


Self-introduction by Rio

I would like to introduce myself.

My name is Rio AKIBA. I am a member of Climate Youth Japan which is youth group in Japan. I study at Yokohama City University. I major in environmental policy, especially environmental education. Through COP19 I would like to exchange own idea with many people and after COP19 I will share own experience with youth members in Japan because I think that we should know present condition of climate change and think the solution by ourselves.  So I want to make the trigger to take action.

Nice to meet you!