Greetings from Tokyo!
This brief review of the youth actions taken at Warsaw is brought to you by Rina.
It's been some time since CYJ began sending Japanese youth delegates to the COP negotiations.
Of course, we've introduced what the Japanese youth team has actually accomplished at the far away negotiations and side events, but what about the other youth groups that come from all over the world?
What have the international youth groups big and small been doing the past week at COP19?
Surely, I won't be able to cover everything, but below are some of the youth actions that have grabbed my attention.
Hopefully it will grab yours too and get you thinking about what you can do from Japan (or wherever you may be).
As I have realized, distance is relative and is not much of importance because once you're on the "net" you're already there !!
1. Reaction to the announcement from Japan that they would aim to cut emissions 3.5 percent against 2005 levels by 2020. Talk about a U-turn target. This target equals to a 3.1 percent increase against 1990 levels.
Here's the actual call for action that was sent to youths all over the world.
We are asking people around the world to deliver the IPCC Summary for Policy Makers to Japanese embassies on Friday (or Saturday latest) - asking them if, considering the need for urgent climate action, their new target is a joke?
- Print a copy of the IPCC report summary for policy makers chapter and SIGN your name with the message, Japan, you must be joking right? - have you read the latest science??'
- Post it or email it to your nearest Japanese embassy
2. Lots of action to show solidarity with the people of Philippines. The red dot signals the Philippine movement for climate justice.
Follow the link for pictures !!
There is more about the organisation called "Climate Legacy" that put together the red dict action.
You can also search twitter with the tag, #WESTANDwithyou in support of the Philippines.
- If you want to take part in the action, print out the red dot sign by following the link below.
AND take a picture of yourself with it, then send it to the Facebook page of climate legacy.
3. The Polish Embassy in Abuja refused visa applications of over 100 civil society and media representatives to attend the COP19 and significantly reduced the participation of CSOs and media from Nigeria.
The Visa application itself was extremely strict and has given room for the Polish officials to respond with a "they did not meet the criteria for granting visas."
What the youth is most concerned is about the inclusion of the global south youth at COP since diversity in nationality of the youth population at COP signifies a unified message from the global youth not dominated by Europe, USA, and other countries that have a stronger impact at the round table.
Follow the link for an article on this movement though its written in Polish you can check out the pictures !
If you stand with this argument, then you can sign the petition against the refusal of Visas to Nigerian delegates.
4. Others:
- YOUNGO (the Young Non-Governmental Organization): was invited to the contact group on REDD+. Civil society groups are trying to stop the inclusion of forests as carbon offsets.
- Representatives from the youth organisations (Delegation from Action Aid International, Christian Aid, Friends of the Earth Europe, Greenpeace International, Oxfam International, WWF International and YOUNGO) met with the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, Ms. Christiana Figueres, to show concern about her attendance at the World Coal Summit on November 18, 2013.
- More actions against use of coal as energy source.
video from Greenpeace International:
- A huge march organised by march (November 16. 2013)