

COP19の終了直前には、The Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG) the Polish Young Greensが企画したアクションに参加しました。
このアクションはCOP19の交渉の改善と、EUの政策の向上を訴えることを目的としています。旗を掲げ、ガスマスク(汚染の象徴)もかぶりながら、「Coal is not cool!」など訴えながら、ワルシャワの街を行進していきました。




Hi, I am Kaori, one of the delegates of COP19. 
I participated in an action organized by The Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG) and the Polish Young Greens. This action was aiming to point out the failure of COP19 climate change negotiations and seek better climate policies by the EU.
Wearing gas masks (a symbol of pollution), holding banners or flags, we appealed climate justice and energy transformation from coal.

Through this experience, I gained the belief we, youths can gain confidence in making a difference in society through actually participating in the action.
I talked to some of the participants and they said the action went well, as it was obvious from their exposure to some news articles on both local and international media. An influence of media has a great potential; one article can inspire its readers, resulting in changing their mindsets towards society. From this, I could say that participation in action, a challenge to change the society, can bring confidence in the individual power of social transformation, which can be maximized when youths get united.

Changing society might be very hard work. But I am sure through accumulating efforts and continuing development of solidarity among those who have shared berief, difference will be made.

For further reading

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